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Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Mahogany wood is a type of wood that is familiar to Indonesia, especially in its use as furniture material. Because this wood has a habitat in tropical areas. Mahogany wood is not as strong as teak wood. However, the quality is still superior and is considered suitable as a substitute for teak because the price is more economical.

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Mahogany wood is actually often found in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java. This type of wood is quite popular as furniture material because its growing period is quite short and the price is not too expensive. Mahogany wood also has a softer texture than other woods so it is easy to shape, and its characteristic reddish color tone. Want to know more about the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and uses of mahogany wood in home furniture? Come on, take a look below!

Characteristics of Mahogany Wood

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Even though they look the same, all types of wood definitely have different characteristics. If you want furniture made of mahogany, you must know its characteristics first. Later, you can consider the advantages and disadvantages before determining the best choice.

Type of wood fiber that resembles teak

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Mahogany wood has straight grain, very similar to teak wood. That is why this type of wood is very suitable as a substitute for teak. The straight fibers make it easy to process and modify into various models without reducing its beauty.

The older it gets, the more mature the color becomes

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Young mahogany has a pale color so the color is less attractive for furniture or other needs. However, the color of the wood will become more mature and attractive as the wood gets older. Mahogany that is over 20 years old has a striking red color. The color looks very natural so it doesn’t require a lot of additional polish.

Various Types of Finishing

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

If you want to maintain the impression of a strong and sharp mahogany color, you can use a finishing material made from water acrylic based. This material will strengthen the original appearance of mahogany without a touch of other colors. Choose a mahogany color type to produce the best natural appearance. You can apply it to wood by smearing it with a ball, spraying it, or smearing it with a brush.

Meanwhile, if you choose polish or varnish, the appearance of the wood after the finishing process will be paler. The sharp red color no longer appears as a prominent characteristic.

Advantages of Mahogany Wood

Mahogany Wood: Characteristics, Uses, Pluses & Minuses

Here are some of the advantages of mahogany that can make you more confident in choosing it:

  • The character of the wood grain is smooth, straight and varied. So the natural appearance of mahogany feels luxurious as a basic furniture material.
  • The durability of the wood section is very stable. Mahogany does not easily shrink or expand over decades. That is why mahogany is also often used as a material for making guitars.
  • The natural oil content is very low. Natural oils in wood can leave yellowish stains after the finishing process. This often happens to teak wood. However, you don’t need to worry because mahogany wood that is completely dry will not cause yellowish stains.
  • The price is more economical than teak wood. With more affordable prices, you can get quality furniture or other products that are equivalent to the quality of teak.

Disadvantages of Mahogany Wood

Even though it has many advantages, mahogany wood also has several disadvantages that you should pay attention to:

  • Mahogany is attacked by many pests. You will be hard-pressed to find mature aged mahogany that is of such good quality. This wood can be harvested from the age of four to seven years. However, it would be better if you get mahogany that is decades old.
  • It takes a very long process to dry mahogany. Because completely dry mahogany has superior quality that is no less than teak.
  • Many steps are needed to maintain the quality of mahogany. Because the raw materials must be stored properly, soaked in an anti-insect solution, kept in the oven for a long time, and the finishing also requires a high level of precision.

Uses of Mahogany Wood for Furniture

Several types of furniture that are usually made from mahogany include:

  • Coffee table
  • Dressing table
  • Dining table
  • Chair
  • Cupboard
  • Bed
  • Nightstands and various types of shelves

Apart from that, mahogany is also often used as a basic material for handicrafts, doors and chests. This superior wood is special and has many benefits. It is not surprising that mahogany is classified as an expensive, luxurious wood in Europe and America.

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